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Backcountry Skiing Canada
Backcountry Skiing Canada
Whitewater Ski Touring Map
This map has been created with the help of CAA professionals, ACMG/UIFMG members, and GIS technicians. It details 18 winter ski touring routes. The topographic map uses a 1: 25,000 scale with 18 georeferenced photographs of various ski slopes. Information
Backcountry Skiing Canada
Rossland Ski Touring Map
Mighty Bighorn Maps publishes this map for backcountry skiers and snowboarders. It’s been created with the help of CAA professionals, ACMG/UIFMG members, and GIS technicians. It contains three maps, a 1: 25,000, 1:30,000 and 1:40,000 topographic map with
Backcountry Skiing Canada
Whistler Ski Touring Guide
The Backcountry Skiing Canada Whistler & Area Ski Touring Guide is your resource for information on ski touring powder in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. It is 36 pages and covers Whistler/Blackcomb Mountain Resort, Elfin Lakes and Duffy Lakes.