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Edelrid, founded in 1863, is a renowned German company with a rich history in producing high-quality climbing and outdoor equipment. Known for their innovative spirit, they were the first to introduce the kernmantel rope, a revolutionary design that has become the standard in the climbing industry. This innovation marked a significant leap in safety and reliability for climbers worldwide. Their commitment to excellence and safety is evident in their diverse range of products, including ropes, harnesses, carabiners, and helmets, all designed to meet the rigorous demands of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.

With a strong focus on sustainability, Edelrid prioritizes environmentally friendly practices in their manufacturing processes. They are certified to the Bluesign® standard, ensuring that their products are made with minimal environmental impact. This dedication to sustainability extends to their product development, where they consistently strive to create durable, long-lasting gear that reduces waste and promotes environmental responsibility.

Edelrid's reputation for quality and innovation has earned them a loyal following among climbers, mountaineers, and outdoor adventurers around the globe. Their products are trusted for both recreational and professional use, reflecting the brand’s commitment to delivering gear that combines performance, safety, and environmental stewardship. As they continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in outdoor equipment, Edelrid remains a leader in the industry, inspiring confidence and trust among users worldwide.