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Outdoor Gear Repair & Maintenance
Patchdazzle Kit Patches
Do-It-Yourself with the Patchdazzle kit. This product lets you cut your own patches to your own specifications. Whether that means creating your own art, or covering that zipper rip just right, this kit works for all your needs. Includes one rectangle wit
Travel Dry DX
The Travel Dry DX is the ideal portable shoe and boot dryer for your all-season adventures. Easily fitting into most footwear types, the compact design can be powered through your vehicle outlet, making it a must-have travel accessory for every outdoor tr
Sea to Summit
Side Release Field Repair Buckle with Removable Pin 1in | 25mm
The Field Repair Buckle is designed to permanently repair broken buckles with just the help of a screwdriver. All Sea to Summit dry bags feature Field Repair Buckles, from the lightest Ultra-Sil Nano dry sack to the heaviest Hydraulic dry bag. Don't let a
The Great Wave Patch
Make waves with this fashion-forward Noso (no-sew) patch. Katsushika Hokusai’s woodblock print – The Great Wave at Kanagawa, ca. 1831, from “A Series of Views of Mt. Fuji,” is one of the most enduring images from this important era in Japanese art—and a h
Waterproofing Wax Creme (3.4oz / 100ml)
Water-based waterproofing creme for smooth leather. The comfort of waterproof footwear is dependent on it supporting feet and being breathable. The structure of leather and therefore the level of support it provides is maintained by tanning agents. When l
TX Direct Wash-In (10oz / 300ml)
Easy to use, safe, high performance wash-in waterproofing for wet weather clothing. Adds Durable Water Repellency and revives breathability - in a washing machine. Breathable waterproof garments are most likely to get sweaty and wet inside when used in d
Solar Proof Spray-On (16.9oz / 500ml)
The easy to use, safe, high performance waterproofing and UV blocker for all synthetic weatherproof textiles.
Adds Durable Water Repellency, increases fabric strength & protects against UV deterioration; one application can double the effective life of f
Adds Durable Water Repellency, increases fabric strength & protects against UV deterioration; one application can double the effective life of f