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Outdoor Gear Repair & Maintenance
Nubuck & Suede Spray DuoPack (4.2oz / 125ml)
Clean and waterproof your nubuck and suede footwear with our convenient Duo-Pack. Footwear Cleaning Gel is a soap based cleaner which can be used regularly to clean nubuck and suede footwear without damaging the Durable Water Repellent (DWR) coatings. Us
Down Wash Direct (10oz / 300ml)
Nikwax Down Wash Direct has been specifically designed and optimized for down filled gear. It is a highly effective cleaner which removes body oils and dirt from both the fabric and the down fill. It also restores the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) of bot
Stache Bag Patches
You gotta a secret stache you don’t tell anyone about? Are you tough as a pirate? Add steeze to your threads, slap a patch on your friends back. Keep your gear alive with Noso and repair your down jacket, sleeping bag, tent or other gear with a DIY patch.
Nubuck & Suede Proof Spray On (4.2oz / 125ml)
Nikwax Nubuck & Suede Proof™ is easy and quick to apply; spray on to wet boots. Nikwax Nubuck & Suede Proof™ provides highly Durable Water Repellency (DWR) which develops on air drying. It leaves a flexible water repellent treatment on individual fibers
Fabric & Leather Spray On (4.2oz / 125ml)
Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof™ is easy and quick to apply; spray on to wet shoes. Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof™ provides highly Durable Water Repellency (DWR) which develops on air drying. It leaves a flexible water repellent treatment on individual fib
Fabric & Leather Spray DuoPack (4.2oz / 125ml)
All you need to safely clean and add water repellency to mixed fabric and leather footwear. Clean and waterproof your mixed fabric and leather footwear with Nikwaxs convenient Duo-Pack. Footwear Cleaning Gel is a soap based cleaner which can be used regu
Waterproofing Wax for Leather (4.2oz / 125ml) (Discontinued)
Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather™ liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents.
Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leath
Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leath
Nite Ize
Gear Tie Loopable Twist Tie 12" (2-pack)
The Gear Tie Loopable is perfect for cinching, wrapping, and hanging. Featuring the same bendable wire interior and tough rubber exterior of our Gear Tie Original, the unique integrated loop allows you to easily cinch, twist, or hang nearly anything.
Sea to Summit
Side Release Field Repair Buckle with Removable Pin 2in | 50mm
The Field Repair Buckle is designed to permanently repair broken buckles with just the help of a screwdriver. All Sea to Summit dry bags feature Field Repair Buckles, from the lightest Ultra-Sil Nano dry sack to the heaviest Hydraulic dry bag. Don't let a
Sea to Summit
Side Release Field Repair Buckle with Removable Pin 1 1/2in | 38mm
The Field Repair Buckle is designed to permanently repair broken buckles with just the help of a screwdriver. All Sea to Summit dry bags feature Field Repair Buckles, from the lightest Ultra-Sil Nano dry sack to the heaviest Hydraulic dry bag. Don't let a
Sea to Summit
Ladder Lock Field Repair Buckle 5/8in | 15mm
The Ladder Lock Field Repair Buckle is an easy-to-use and more permanent solution for broken or worn-out buckles. The clever design allows you to repair broken buckles, using only a screwdriver. And - because the buckles are secured by a stainless steel s
Leather Balm
Hestra's all-natural Hestra Leather Balm is formulated to protect your sport gloves and is a great way to prevent leather from drying out. Prolongs the life, suppleness and water repellant properties of the leather. Apply as needed with a polishing cloth,
Gear Aid
Revivex Durable Water Repellent Spray 10.5 fl oz
Restore the DWR coating on GORE-TEX® jackets and waterproof-breathable outerwear with Revivex Durable Water Repellent. Over time, DWR (durable water repellency) on technical gear wears off, and the fabric gets dirty and absorbs water. Regular reproofing t