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Kayak Accessories
Low Profile Track 8"
Low Profile Track is made from corrosion proof high strength composite material that will last a lifetime. The lowest profile track on the market and a top load design allows for quick and easy setup of all your Scotty accessories. Install Scotty's Low Pr
Original Lasso Security Cable - Tandem
Designed for Tandems, Sit-On-Tops, Recreational and Fishing kayaks. The Original Lasso Lock has been trusted by paddlers for over a decade. It has remained one of the simplest, most effective, and highest quality theft deterrents since being introduced in
Original Lasso Security Cable - Single
Designed for closed deck touring kayaks. The Original Lasso Lock has been trusted by paddlers for over a decade. It has remained one of the simplest, most effective, and highest quality theft deterrents since being introduced in 1993. There have been a fe
Delta Kayaks
Novus Polish Kit
Keep your Delta Kayak looking shiny and new! Novus cleaners and scratch removers gently clean the surfaces of your Delta kayak without scratching. Leaves a lustrous shine that resists fogging, repels dust, and eliminates static.Resists finger marking and